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Lung Fu Shan Environmental Education Centre 龍虎山環境教育中心


Jointly established in 2008 by the Environmental Protection Department and The University of Hong Kong, our revitalised historic centre supports nature exploration through exhibitions, ecological tours and green workshops. Through partnerships with universities, government and the wider community, we provide the public with experiential environmental education to build a community living sustainably and harmoniously with nature. 

2008 年由環境保護署和香港大學合作成立,是從歷史建築活化而成的自然探索基地。透過展覽、生態導賞和綠色工作坊,我們連繫大學、政府和社區,向公眾提供體驗式環境教育,創建與自然共融、實踐永續生活的社區。

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